It is very interesting teaching a course on the importance
of an evolutionary perspective on health, because as we often see in our in
class examples or in news reports, this perspective is often lost in clinical
research and in scientific publications. One big one has come to my attention
this week, and is worth discussing in light of its limitations and general lack
of evolutionary thinking.
The paper, “Can we define an infant’s need from the
composition of human milk?” by Stam et
al., (2013), was published this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The authors immediately set up a straw man: milk should meet a baby’s needs,
and thus, given the variation in human milk composition, this cannot possibly
be true. As a follow-up, they go on to suggest that human milk therefore should
not be used as the standard reference for infant formula, stating “The
composition of infant formula is presently based on mean values for human milk.
It might be better to base the composition on actual requirements of the
newborn infant” (Stam: 526S).
Let’s start with acknowledging that they do in fact have a
point here. It would be optimal to feed an infant to their metabolic
requirements, and not over- or under-feed. However, what this obscures is the
considerable variation in infant metabolic requirements, as evidence by prior
doubly labeled water studies (Butte et al., 1990, 1996; de Bruin et al., 1998).
It also assumes that the newborn period
alone is sufficient to capture the energy requirements of an infant. It seems
quite logical to think that a 7.5 pound newborn will have very different
metabolic requirements than a 16 pound 6 month infant (Butte et al., 2000). For
requirements to be used as a substitute reference value, you would have to have
repeated measures on the same infant – and would likely need to do every infant
to come up with an individualized nutritional recommendation. Measuring the
total energy expenditure of an individual – including an infant – is quite
costly, and requires very specific protocols.
Figure 1: Seven pound, five ounce baby Jesus with your Baby Einstein tapes . . .
The second big issue here is the idea of means as somehow
representative of an ideal of human milk, and that deviations from these means
are problematic only if you assume uniformity is the goal. And on some levels,
we like the idea of nutritional uniformity. That’s essentially what the
nutritional information on a package is: the measure of how much fat, energy,
protein, etc. is in the food item. And the printed information assumes
uniformity per gram.
Except the error of calculation for the nutritional
information on food packaging is in the range of 8-20% (yup, the FDA allows for
underestimates of up to 20%! (Urban et al., 2010)). So even products that we
might think of as uniform, such as the Fig Newtons on my desk or formula in a bottle,
are not uniform. Means are just that – a
value indicating that half the sample distribution falls above and half below
that value. An individual with that mean may not even be present in the sample!
So in basing reference values for infant formula nutritional composition off a
hypothesized “mean milk” value, what is happening is that you are trying to
balance over- and under- nutrition. Ideally, we’d use a product tailor made to
individual infant needs. Like you for example . . . human milk. But for women
who cannot breastfeed or for families where breastfeeding is not the best
option, formula is necessary and its composition should be referenced to the
natural first food an infant receives: human milk. Matching to TEE, unless
collected on each infant at highly frequent intervals, is not going to be any
better than matching to mean values derived from human milk. And we know from
numerous studies that the composition of human milk changes over the course of
lactation (Mitoulas et al., 2001). Perhaps you could make an argument that
formula fed infants need more options: a sequence of formulas that are changed
as the infant ages. Similar to toddler or follow-up milks, but more specific.
Stam et al., also question the validity of measures of milk
intake in breastfeeding studies. Yes, getting an accurate measure of infant
milk intake is hard. Like the physics in the background of The Big Bang Theory hard.
And the gold standard method – doubly labeled water is expensive. And if you’re
seeing double (doubly labeled water that is) it is because the same method used
to measure TEE is used to measure breast milk intake. In a TEE measure, the
infant is given the doubly labeled water, in measuring human milk intake, the
mother drinks the water. You then collect infant urine over a minimum of 3 days
(12 is optimal). In an exclusively breastfed infant, TEE and milk energy intake
should be fairly close – and the difference should be in energy allocated to
fat deposition. Formula fed infants have higher TEEs compared to breastfeed
infants (Butte et al., 1990).
Figure 2: Sheldon attempts to measure infant milk intake and decides to go back to physics. Image: Big Bang Theory, by way of |
And here’s the final thing. Babies have agency. I work with
breastfeeding infants primarily, so my exposure is largely limited to them. And
in collecting milk samples, we need the infant to nurse. And as any mother can
tell you – you really can’t force a baby to nurse. Maybe a newborn. But for most infants, you cannot force a baby to
nurse – successful transfer of milk requires anatomical coordination between
the infant and the mother. And infants can stop when they get full, or not eat
if not hungry – or eat for longer or nurse more frequently if hungry. There is
a large body of literature supporting the role of self-regulation in infant
intake, and in particular the likely importance of this self-regulation for the
development of appetite control and satiety. These factors have been suggested
to play a role in the protective effects of breastfeeding on later risk of
obesity and related metabolic disorders.
Finally, and this is something that I think anthropology
really brings to the study of human milk in particular and lactation in
general, is an appreciation for the fact that human milk has evolved. There
have been distinctive selective pressures on human milk – well on all milk
(Milligan and Hinde, 2011). This likely includes meeting the TEE of an infant,
with some energy left over for storage as fat. If you don’t meet the TEE needs
of the infant, the infant is not going to do well – chronic malnutrition is
associated with growth faltering, wasting, reduced immune function leading to
increased risk of infection, and if prolonged – death.
And providing too much
energy is wasteful – in models of fitness, we often talk about reproductive
fitness, and the allocation of energy between competing functions such as
reproduction and maintenance. In reproduction, energy needs to be balanced
between current and future reproduction. Investing too much energy in a single
reproduction – by making milk that is far in excess of infant nutritional needs
would be wasteful and may have long term consequences on reproductive fitness.
Ergo, there should be relative balance between the TEE of the infant and the energy
intake from the milk. Some aspects of
milk will not be always be perfectly matched to infant needs – especially those
aspects that may vary based on maternal diet or activity, such as DHA and Vitamin
D. For example, milk from mothers in the United States is low in DHA compared
to habitually fish eating populations. Many lactating mothers take DHA
supplements, and the recent move to fortify formula with DHA reflects knowledge
on the importance of DHA for infant development. Too often, we are thinking about
human milk nutritional composition as homogeneous, and balking uneasily at the
variation found within and between populations in composition. But this variation
in composition is actually incredibly important – and only problematic if we
think that all infants have a uniform nutritional need and the variation in
human milk around some fictional mean is starving some infants and overfeeding
others. No; variation in infant TEE is perfectly normal, variation in milk
composition is perfectly normal, and infants are not passive consumers of milk
but active participants in getting their needs met.*
*Obviously, mothers can limit and control access to the
breast, but infants can often compensate by altering intake during suckling.
Agostoni C. 2005. Ghrelin,
leptin and the neurometabolic axis of breastfed and formula-fed infants. Acta
Paediatr. 94(5):523-5.
Butte NF, Wong WW, Hopkinson JM, Heinz CJ, Mehta NR, Smith
EO. 2000. Energy requirements derived from total energy expenditure and energy
deposition during the first 2 y of life. Am J Clin Nutr. 72(6):1558-69.
Butte NF, Wong WW, Ferlic L, Smith EO, Klein PD, Garza C.
1990. Energy expenditure and deposition of breast-fed and formula-fed infants
during early infancy. Pediatr Res. 28(6):631-40.
Butte NF. 1996. Energy requirements of infants. Eur J Clin
Nutr. 50 Suppl 1:S24-36.
de Bruin NC, Degenhart HJ, Gàl S, Westerterp KR, Stijnen T,
Visser HK. 1998. Energy utilization and growth in breast-fed and formula-fed
infants measured prospectively during the first year of life. Am J Clin Nutr. 67(5):885-96.
Hinde K, Milligan LA. 2011. Primate milk: proximate mechanisms
and ultimate perspectives. Evol Anthropol. 20(1):9-23. doi: 10.1002/evan.20289.
Mitoulas LR, Kent JC, Cox DB, Owens RA, Sherriff JL,
Hartmann PE. 2002. Variation in fat, lactose and protein in human milk over 24
h and throughout the first year of lactation. Br J Nutr. 88(1):29-37.
Stam J, Sauer PJ, Boehm G. 2013. Can we define an infant's
need from the composition of human milk? Am J Clin Nutr. 98(2):521S-8S. doi:
Urban LE, Dallal GE, Robinson, LM, Ausman, LM, Saltzman E,
Roberts SB. 2010. The accuracy of stated energy contents of
reduced-energy, commercially prepared foods. J Am Diet Assoc. 110(1):116-123.